Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ Observations on W.D. Gann Vol. 2: Price - Time - Volume - Velocity (Volume 2) by Awodele

Observations on W.D. Gann Vol. 2: Price - Time - Volume - Velocity (Volume 2) by Awodele

Observations on W.D. Gann Vol. 2: Price - Time - Volume - Velocity (Volume 2)

Observations on W.D. Gann Vol. 2: Price - Time - Volume - Velocity (Volume 2) by Awodele PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Shortly after the publication of W.D. Gann: Divination By Mathematics: Harmonic Analysis, I came across some material I had not seen related to the same subject matter. In addition, there was a connection to Gann, and it seemed to answer some of the questions I had left off with in that publication. Thus, one of the goals of this book is to simply share this additional information along with the ideas that have resulted from its investigation. These new ideas are based on the four factors of Price, Time, Volume, and Velocity. Based on the Gann material in the pubic domain, it appears that various combinations of these factors are referenced as early as 1933. In fact, Gann states that every investor and trader should know the relationship between Time to Price and Volume. In the majority of instances where they are mentioned, the Master Time Factor is mentioned along with them. Since knowledge of the relationship between these factors was deemed important by Gann, the main goal of this book is to explore their relationship to each other, and to define what each of them means in the context of Gann’s own words. It is my hope that the reader will find something valuable within these pages to further their own research and study.

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