Jumat, 25 April 2014

PDF⋙ Lattice Theory: First Concepts and Distributive Lattices (Dover Books on Mathematics) by George Grätzer, Mathematics

Lattice Theory: First Concepts and Distributive Lattices (Dover Books on Mathematics) by George Grätzer, Mathematics

Lattice Theory: First Concepts and Distributive Lattices (Dover Books on Mathematics)

Lattice Theory: First Concepts and Distributive Lattices (Dover Books on Mathematics) by George Grätzer, Mathematics PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Lattice theory extends into virtually every area of mathematics and offers an ideal framework for understanding basic concepts. This outstanding text is written in clear, direct language and enhanced with many research problems, exercises, diagrams, and concise proofs. The author discusses historical developments as well as future directions and provides extensive end-of-chapter materials and references.
Both novices and experts will benefit from this treatment, which combines the techniques of an introductory text with those of a monograph. It begins with a concise development of the fundamentals of lattice theory and a detailed exploration of free lattices. The core of the text focuses upon the theory of distributive lattices. Diagrams constitute an integral part of the book, along with 500 exercises and 67 original research problems. Eight appendixes, contributed by a group of experts, complement this accessible and informative text.

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Lattice Theory: First Concepts and Distributive Lattices (Dover Books on Mathematics) by George Grätzer, Mathematics EPub

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