Waterproofing the Building Envelope by Michael T. Kubal
Waterproofing the Building Envelope by Michael T. Kubal PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Leakage problems in construction are the number one cause of lawsuits. That's why you need Kubals new Waterproofing the Building Envelope--the first book designed to cover every facet of waterproofing, from below-grade to above-grade and back down again. It's the only book that explains the critical 90%/1% principle--why 90% of all building leakage is attributable to 1% of a building's area and what you can do about it. It shows you how to select the right materials and systems for a particular project--including sealants, expansion joints, and admixtures--and put them all together so that they function as a waterproof envelope. Included are tips on testing, cleaning, maintenance, and repair--plus coverage of safety and environmental standards.From reader reviews:
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