Minggu, 24 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ Rescue: The Exodus of the Ethiopian Jews by Ruth Gruber

Rescue: The Exodus of the Ethiopian Jews by Ruth Gruber

Rescue: The Exodus of the Ethiopian Jews

Rescue: The Exodus of the Ethiopian Jews by Ruth Gruber PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The plight of the Ethiopian Jews grabbed the attention of the world in 1985 when the revelation of a secret rescue mission dominated the headllines. Ruth Gruber now gives us a rare behind-the-headines account of this historic event with all the intrigue and suspense of a first-class thriller. Rescue is the moving and vividly told story of a modern-day biblical exodus, detailing the long and treacherous road to freedom traveled by fifteen thousand courageous black Ethiopean Jews.Until the public disclosure of Operation Moses - the daring airlift rescue of thousands of Ethiopian Jews to a haven in Israel - few people knew of this devout community who for centuries have continued to uphold the ancient Jewish traditions, while living in such total isolation that they believed themselves to be the last bastion of Jewish culture left in the world. Rescue recounts their valiant journey through the perilous mountains, forests, and deserts of Ethiopia and Sudan to the long-delayed exodus and their absorption into Israeli society.

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