Jumat, 12 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ Great Lessons and Grand Blessings Study Guide: Discover How Grandparents Can Inspire and Transform their Grandchildren by Elmer L Towns, Ruth Towns

Great Lessons and Grand Blessings Study Guide: Discover How Grandparents Can Inspire and Transform their Grandchildren by Elmer L Towns, Ruth Towns

Great Lessons and Grand Blessings Study Guide: Discover How Grandparents Can Inspire and Transform their Grandchildren

Great Lessons and Grand Blessings Study Guide: Discover How Grandparents Can Inspire and Transform their Grandchildren by Elmer L Towns, Ruth Towns PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The greatest gift grandparents can give grandchildren is not mateiral, but spiritual. You can help your grandchildren claim their spiritual inheritance, rescue them from ungodly influence, help them avoid becoming prodigals, and teach an unfailing devotion to the Scriptures that may help them influience the world.

This study guide is for use with teaching the book Grandparents of the Bible: Great Lessons and Grand Blessings. Contains 12 lesson outlines with fill-in-the-blank format for following along with the teaching, digging deeper into Scripture, and keeping a helpful guide for future reference.

Lesson One: Jacob the Spiritual Giver
Lesson Two: Naomi
Lesson Three: Asa
Lesson Four: Lois
Lesson Five: Unknown Grandsons
Lesson Six: Joash
Lesson Seven: Mephibosheth
Lesson Eight: Samuel
Lesson Nine: Grandpa Mordecai
Lesson Ten: Moses
Lesson Eleven: Noah
Lesson Twelve: Paul a Spiritual Grandfather

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