Forgiveness, Reconciliation, and Moral Courage: Motives and Designs for Ministry in a Troubled World (Studies in Practical Theology) by Mr. Robert L. Browning, Mr. Roy A. Reed
Forgiveness, Reconciliation, and Moral Courage: Motives and Designs for Ministry in a Troubled World (Studies in Practical Theology) by Mr. Robert L. Browning, Mr. Roy A. Reed PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
According to the authors of this powerfully reasoned book, only a serious commitment to the Christian ideas of forgiveness and reconciliation can meet the needs of todaybs troubled world -- and the church must take the lead in this process. Partly a survey of existing attitudes and partly a how-to manual for developing an active bpublicb church, this book highlights the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation in both congregational life and society, and it traces out the intricacies of making it happen. After discussing common views of human nature and exploring the concepts of forgiveness and reconciliation as found in Scripture and church tradition, Robert Browning and Roy Reed put forth an innovative four-pronged approach integrating recent scientific studies of forgiveness with bold, theologically grounded ministry proposals.From reader reviews:
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